CTS computer 2 screen

CTS computer 2 screen

€52,500 (EUR)

Location:Dedemsvaart, Netherlands

orCall +31 6 20454180


Inkjet Printing CTS System

Key features of the Adelco InkPro

  • High Resolution
  • Superior Image Integrity
  • Fast and efficient - Less than 60 seconds.
  • Easy to integrate
  • Low print costs around 10 pence/ US cents per screen
  • Print head maintenance module
  • Built in LED scanning exposure unit means screens are imaged and exposed ready to wash out.
  • Can print and expose a screen in just one minute
  • Pay for the system through savings in conventional film costs.
  • Reduce exposure times and spotting out of screens
  • With a higher resolution of print than any other InkJet textile system on the market, we can ensure that you are getting the highest quality available, should you choose the Adelco InkPro for your business. With the highest resolution of ink printing available to you, you gain superior image integrity, smoother halftone transitions and more refined details over your competitor’s prints. The InkPro has a max image size of 508 x 660.4mm, an exposure time of under 60 seconds and a resolution of 1440 x 1200 dpi. The quality and low price point of our InkPro CTS system go hand in hand to supply your business with the best value on the market.

High Resolution. Utilising the advantages of higher-resolution inkjet technology, Adelco InkPro has the ability to print computer-to-screen images with richer details and smoother halftone transitions, which are superior to traditional film positives.

Built-in LED exposure unit included as standard. The specially formulated UV-blocking ink also works well on ALL emulsions on the market.


ManufacturerPrintmachines 4 All / Adelco
Modelnew generation screenmaker
Stock Number02